Islam vs Witchcraft

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Saturday, 2 November 2013
Everybody is familiar with the subject of science. Students also become familiar with the various branches of science such as physics, chemistry and biology at the secondary level. But what are the occult sciences? Are they also a branch of the physical science or something else altogether? Let us find out.
The word occult is derived from the latin word occultus which means hidden or secret. Therefore, occult refers to a system which uses knowledge of supernatural powers or secret. In other words, the word occult is related to black magic, sorcery, astrology etc as these systems claim to use the knowledge of the unseen. Whereas the physical sciences deal with matter the occult sciences are related to the hidden mechanism and laws in nature. They involve fortune telling, black magic and spiritualism in some form or the other.
We find that occultism or the occult sciences have a negative connotation in the sense that the Holy Quran declares that none except Allah (swt) has the knowledge of the Unseen.
Allah (swt) says in the Holy Quran: “Verily, Allah! With Him (Alone) is the knowledge of the Hour. He sends down rain and knows that which is in the wombs. No person knows what he will earn tomorrow and no person knows in what land he will die. Verily, Allah is All-Knower, All-Aware of things’. (31:34)
Say: None in the heavens or the earth knows the unseen except Allah. They do not perceive when they will be resurrected’. (27: 65)
‘Say (O Mohammad pbuh)(: Verily! My lord sends down the inspiration and makes apparent the truth (i.e. this Revelation that had come to me) the All-Knower of the (unseen). 34:48)
Say (O Muhammad PBUH): I possess no power of benefit or hurt to myself except as Allah Wills. If I had the knowledge of the Ghaib (unseen), I should have secured for myself an abundance of wealth and no evil should have touched me. I am but a warner and a bringer of glad tidings unto people who believe’. (7: 188)
In the verse 7:188 Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) has been Commanded by Allah (swt) to tell people that he does not has the knowledge of the unseen. The knowledge of the unseen belongs to Allah (swt) exclusively. So it would be preposterous if anyone claims to know the unseen and we know that those who practice witchcraft, black magic, Voodoo etc for making money- do exactly this.
Keep Me In Your Prayers,
Amel Soname
Witchcraft is an occult practice like sorcery in which the practitioner performs magic. It is a kind of Satanism which is found in the worship and ceremonies of the witches’ coven. The term Coven denotes the gathering of witches who meet often for carrying out witchcraft. Though attempts have been made to curb witchcraft by persecuting the witches yet this evil practice still persists in several countries.
As I have discussed in one of my blogs remove voodoo dolls witchcraft and black magic are quite ancient practices. The history of witchcraft can be traced back to the early days of mankind. During that period witchcraft was looked upon as a magical phenomenon that was called upon for magical rites which guaranteed fortune, protection against illnesses etc.
After 1000 AD this practice drew strong criticism from the priests and other members of the society. It came out in the open that witches were evil people, who made agreements with the Devil just like the black magicians. Thus began the massive witch hunts and the first battle against the witches was held in 1022. Witches faced either death penalty or severe punishments such as being burnt or stoned to death. Many people who were accused of being witches were put to trial with punishments varying according to regions and times.
In the beginning of the 18th century these witch hunts declined. The final executions of the people who were convicted as witches in Europe took place in the 18th century. The Witchcraft Act of 1735 had marked the end of witch hunting in Great Britain. However, periodic witch trials were carried on during the second half of the 18th century. In Germany sorcery was considered to be an offense punishable by law till the late 18th century.
In the present age witch hunts have been carried out in Sub-Saharan Africa, Papua New Guinea and India. Official laws against witchcraft legislation exist in only Saudi Arabia and Cameroon at present.
Keep Me In Your Prayers,
Amel Soname
Presently, witchcraft is being touted as being the fastest growing religious movements. However, it has its roots firmly embedded in Paganism and Goddess worship, which is a form of ancient occultism and sorcery. Sorcery has been strictly forbidden in Islam and there is enough evidence from the Holy Quran as well as the ahadith to support this statement.
Witchcraft is a form of Satanism and therefore, it is strictly against the tenets of Islam. Witchcraft, which is claimed to be the oldest religion of the world, has infringed the limits set by Islam in the following ways:
Witches are supposed to believe in the anti-Islamic concepts of incarnation and karma
Belief in tree spirits, fairies, gnomes and nature is also common amongst witches. Witches are those women who deal with evil spirits for casting spells on victims, performing magic etc
Witches sacrifice both animals and human beings to appease the Devil.
Witches cast spells and place hexes on their targets.
They even indulge in astral sexual intercourse with spirit beings.
There exists a close connection between witches and Satanism.
The ceremonies of witches include nude dancing around bonfires, performing magical rituals, incantations, drunken sex orgies, fertility rites, incantations and human sacrifice.
When someone becomes a witch, they enter a pact with Satan, at the very onset. They start worshipping him instead of Allah (swt). They even promise to offer child sacrifice to appease the devil.
Tattoos of devil’s marks such as a serpent, magic circle, evil eye etc are found on the body of witches.
Through the spells that they cast they can cause bewitchment, sickness and even death.
So, the witches spread evil in the world through their pact with Satan. They perform evil rituals to appease Satan and through his help they afflict innocent people. So no matter whether someone practices witchcraft or gets it done on someone, it is anti-Islamic and should therefore be avoided at any cost.
Keep Me In Your Prayers,
Amel Soname
In today’s world some people do not think twice before hiring black magicians, tantriks, witches, voodoo magic practitioners etc for serving their own selfish interests. In one of my earlier blogs remove voodoo dolls - I have highlighted the primary reasons why people hire such evil people. This is a well-known fact that sorcery is totally forbidden in Islam but unfortunately, we find many people around us who hire witchcraft practitioners for casting spells on their opponents. Due to their bloated ego, such people cannot bear to see anyone around them happy and prosperous. So if they see that anyone has superseded their success, they try to hide their own discomfiture by having the spell of destruction cast on that person. In many cases, people become so blinded by envy, jealousy and hatred that they end up sawing off the very branch on which they sit. For example, envy may drive A to destroy the success of his brother B. However, this strategy can spell disaster as it lacks farsightedness. If in the near future A falls on bad times then his brother B who could have easily helped him to tide over the crisis- will not be in a position to save him at all.
Instead of forgiving those who have wronged us the egoistic people prefer to hold a grudge against them throughout their lives. Even if someone has victimized us and we find it difficult to bring ourselves to forgive such a person- in this case too- seeking revenge through black magic or otherwise is not a lawful thing to do. Our suffering at the hands of an enemy may be a trial for us from Allah (swt) and the more steadfast and patient that we remain throughout the ordeal- the more blessings and rewards we can expect from Allah (swt).
Allah (says in the Holy Quran:
“And certainly We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to As-Sabirin (the patient ones.)” (TMQ- 2:155)
Despite this many people spent exorbitant sums of money to witchcraft practitioners due to vices such as greed, envy, vindictiveness etc. They feel that a single witchcraft attack by such practitioners will help then to bring their enemies to book. They look upon such evil magic practitioners as an oasis in a desert or a rudder which can help them steer their life’s ship smoothly. They are usually awed by the magician’s spiritual powers through which they can stealthily overcome their enemies. The magicians are also clever enough to fool their clients by using witchcraft jargon before them. Soon enough, the clients develop a blind faith on the witches, tantriks etc.
However, even though a witchcraft practitioner may seem to be a Good Samaritan for such evil-minded people yet the truth remains that those who cast spells, do so only to make money- lots of money to be precise. The more that they are able to influence and impress their clients the more easily can they extract money from them on some pretext or other.
In a nutshell, it should be remembered that the people who cast witchcraft spells for destruction, disease, death or other such evil purposes are not saviors. They do so only for filling their own coffers. They do not show any reluctance even if the client expects them to kill someone innocent through a witchcraft spell. This shows that they basically have an evil nature and hence are not completely untrustworthy.
Keep Me In Your Prayers,
Amel Soname
When faced with a problem some people do not hesitate to seek help from witchcraft practitioners or tantriks. Greed, lust, vengeance, envy; jealousy and hatred are the vices which make people fall into the trap of such evil people. Moreover, some people long for instant results. Fraudulent sorcerers take advantage of this and make tall claims, such as, bringing an ex-lover at their client’s feet within a weak. People with evil intentions and mindsets never visit pious Muslim spiritual healers for the simple reason that their requirements will not be met there. The Islamic spiritual healing is done through Quranic verses and nothing is beyond the purview of Islam. So the evil spells, enchantment etc fall outside the boundary of Islam. The people who visit such witchcraft practitioners know very well what they are getting into. Even if they are naïve initially they can discover after a few sessions/ meetings that the people whom they have hired are into evil practices. This is the main reason why so many cases of rapes by tantriks are doing the rounds. Many Voodoo magic practitioners have been seen in graveyards, trying to evoke spirits by chanting on the unburnt bones, skulls etc of the dead people. Often black magic practitioners get caught when they steal infants; cut their throats (to sacrifice them to appease their so-called deities) and later on bury their bodies. The people who seek help from such witches; tantriks etc place their complete trust in them. By doing so they are actually doing kufr-(disbelief in Allah) because they are following someone who does not believe in Allah (swt).
Allah (swt) says in the Holy Quran:
“And indeed they knew that the buyers of magic would have no share in the hereafter’. (2:102)
“They believe in Al-Jibt and At-Taghut (all false deities)’. (4:51)
Hazrat Umar Bin-Al-Khattab (ra) has reportedly explained that Al-Jibt refers to sorcery. According to Jabir (ra) At-Taghut refers to the soothsayers upon whom the devils alight.
Jundub (ra) narrated the following Marfu hadith: ‘The punishment for the sorcerers is that they should be struck with the sword (executed)" (At-Tirmidhi)
Narrated Bajalah bin `Abadah (ra): ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab (ra) wrote: ‘Execute every sorcerer or sorceress”. Bajalah stated: ‘We executed three sorcerors”. (sahih Bukhari)
Narrated Abu Hurairah (ra) that Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said: ‘Avoid Mubiqat , i.e. shirk and witchcraft." ( Sahih Bukhari)
The above mentioned Quranic verses and ahadith are ample evidence to show that those who practice witchcraft or get it done to harm others are showing disbelief towards the Almighty Allah by worshipping false deities. This is why such people will be denied any share in the life, hereafter.
Keep Me In Your Prayers,
Amel Soname
Can anyone of us solve a problem without understanding it? Definitely not! In order to solve a problem we first need to thoroughly understand it. Likewise, we can solve the problem of witchcraft only if we thoroughly understand its various facets, repurcussions and nuances.
Through this blog of mine I have made an attempt to expose the negative impact of witchcraft on the society -during the olden times as well as in the modern. I shall be throwing light on all its aspects so that a person can become aware of the multitude of ways in which they can be victimized through witchcraft. My aim is to increase awareness amongst the people so that they do not fall into this Satanic trap. In my earlier blogs too, I have constantly stressed on the importance of staying vigilant in order to stay safe from witchcraft, black magic etc. However, how can someone stay vigilant in the first place if there is a dearth of awareness and information about such evil practices or else if such phenomena are considered to be irrational, superstitious and unscientific? So the first thing one needs to do is to change one’s mindset for the simple reason that the phenomena of black magic, sorcery etc have been mentioned in the Holy Quran in several places. Therefore, if someone believes in Allah (swt) and His Holy Book, i.e. the glorious Quran then he or she can never deny the existence of such happenings. We often find people who do not believe in witchcraft, black magic etc simply because they consider themselves to be educated or else they claim to have a ‘science background’ which does not allow them to believe in a phenomenon which cannot be scientifically proved in a laboratory. Many people also deny the existence of Jinnat for the above mentioned reasons. Now when I say that a group of people does not believe in witchcraft/black magic I am definitely not saying that they should believe in it as they believe in Islam. By saying ‘believing in it’ I simply mean that they should not deny its existence and its widespread use or rather misuse in the present day society. Some people believe that since they are living in the modern times so it does not befit them to believe in something as ancient and backward as witchcraft. Such people conveniently forget that after a few centuries from now the present age will also be considered as ‘olden’. Therefore, living in the so-called modern times in not a good enough excuse to keeps one’s eyes shut about a dark truth of life.
The sooner we become aware about this universal dark reality, the better for us. Witchcraft is being practiced in every nook and corner of this world. Coming to terms with the situation is a more rational and mature approach rather than ignoring it and snowballing it. Ignoring this issue and sidelining it can prove to be fatal.
I would also like to make it clear that my aim is not to spread panic but plainly awareness and caution so that people seek protection from witchcraft through Quranic healing before the situation goes out of hand.
Keep Me In Your Prayers,
Amel Soname
Occultism had come into existence since the ancient times. In this post, I shall discuss about the different forms of occultism and how each one of them are against the letter and spirit of Islam.
This refers to the practice of attempting to predict the future or finding out the unknown through oracles and supernatural powers. This form of occultism includes augury, geomancy, runes, numerology, palm reading, psychometry, crystal balls, tarot, dowsing, zodiac charts; I Ching and horoscopes. Now let us see what Islam has to say about al these practices.
Narrated by Qabisah: “I heard the Apostle of Allah (pbuh) say: ‘Augury from the flight of birds, taking evil omens and the practice of pressomancy pertain to divination. Tarq: It is used in the sense of divination in which womenfolk threw stones. Iyafah: It means geomancy by drawing lines. (Abu Dawood, Book 23, hadith: 3898)
Narrated by Abdullah Ibn Abbas: The Prophet (pbuh) said: ‘If anyone acquires any knowledge of astrology, he acquires a branch of magic of which he gets more as long as he continues to do so.” Abu Dawood, Book 23 Hadith:3896
‘Whoever goes to a fortune teller or soothsayer and believes in him then he has disbelieved in what has been revealed to Mohammad.” (Musnad Ahmed)
‘With Him are the keys to the unseen and none knows it except Him”. (tmq-6:59)
‘Say: None in the heavens or the earth knows the unseen except Allah”. (6:65)
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said, “The Salaah (daily prayer) of whoever approaches a fortune- teller and asks him about anything will not be accepted for forty days and night.” (Reported by Hafsah and collected by Sahih Muslim)
Hazrat Ayesha (ra) said: ‘Some people asked Allah’s Apostle (pbuh) about soothsayers. He said unto them: “They are nothing”. The people said, ‘Oh Messenger of Allah! Sometimes they tell us something which turns out to be true. He replied, ‘A jinn snatches that true word and pours it into the ears of his friend (the fore-teller) as one puts something into a bottle. The foreteller then mixes it with one hundred lies’. (Bukhari- Book:7, Volume: 71:: Hadith: 657)
Al Bukhari narrated from Abu Hurairah (ra) that the Prophet (pbuh) said, ‘When Allah decrees a matter in heaven, the angels beat their wings in submission to His words, thereby making a sound like a chain striking a rock. When the fear is banished from their hearts, they say, “What is it that your Lord has said? They say: The truth! And He is the Most High, the Most Great. Then the one who is eavesdropping hears that, and those who are eavesdropping are standing one above the other’. Sufyan- one of the narrators, demonstrated by his hand, holding it vertically with the fingers outspread. “So he overhears what is said and passes it on to the one below him and that one passes it to the one who is below him, and this goes on and on until it reaches the lips of the fortune-teller. Often a meteor hits him before he passes any information on or else he may be able to pass it on before he gets hit. He tells many lies alongside it, but it said, ‘Did he not tell us that on such and such a day, such and such would occur? So they believe him because of the one true thing which was overheard from heaven, i.e., he is believed because of the one true word that was overheard from heaven and passed on to the fortune teller by the jinnat’.
In this form of occultism the black magic practitioners try manipulate the free will of others and to control the present through charms, spells and rituals. It includes Voodoo, Wicca, witchcraft, white and black magic, sorcery, Satanism and black mass and psychic healing.
About this form of occultism Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said:
Avoid the Muqibat, i.e. shirk and witchcraft’. (Narrated by Abu Hurrairah-Sahih Bukhari transmitted it).
Allah (swt) says in the Holy Quran:
“And indeed they knew that the buyers of magic would have no share in the hereafter’. (2:102)
“They believe in Al-Jibt and At-Taghut (all false deities)’. (4:51)
Hazrat Umar Bin-Al-Khattab (ra) has reportedly explained that Al-Jibt refers to sorcery.
According to Jabir (ra) At-Taghut refers to the soothsayers upon whom the devils alight.Jundub (ra) narrated the following Marfu hadith: ‘The punishment for the sorcerers is that they should be struck with the sword (executed)" (At-Tirmidhi)
Narrated Bajalah bin `Abadah (ra): ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab (ra) wrote: ‘Execute every sorcerer or sorceress”. Bajalah stated: ‘We executed three sorcerors”. (sahih Bukhari)
Narrated Abu Hurairah (ra) that Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said: ‘Avoid Mubiqat , i.e. shirk and witchcraft." ( Sahih Bukhari)
This form of occultism involves attempts to communicate with the souls of the dead for receiving information from them or for seeking help from them. It involves necromancy, séances, reiki, channeling, ouija boards, Shamanism etc.
As far as necromancy is concerned, it is a kind of black magic. In these types of practices, the black magic/witchcraft practitioner tries to invoke and control the souls of the dead people through various means such as by using weird symbols/words which are against the principles of Islam. I have discussed about this practice in my earlier blog: remove voodoo spells Just like idol-worship and many other weird rituals rampant during the Jahiliyyah period- occult sciences such as astrology, divination, witchcraft, palm reading etc were prevalent during that period. At that time Arabia was a pagan society which in which idol worship, superstitions, black magic etc were quite rampant. Though the pre-Islamic Arab society believed in one God yet they worshipped many other deities whom they considered to be intermediaries between them and the God. They offered sacrifices of animals, food; money and in some cases, even of human beings to appease their intermediary deities. They used to seek help from soothsayers and they believed in omens and portents.
Unfortunately, even in the present times, these pre-Islamic vices have not been crushed and they continue to exist and flourish. Now it is up to us whether we wish to keep a safe distance from these malpractices and get a share in the hereafter.
Keep Me In Your Prayers,
Amel Soname
Forewarned is forearmed
‘Ignorance is bliss…….
Keeping this phrase in mind it would not be a misdemeanor to state that those who do not believe in the existence of witchcraft are quite blissful people. They have protected themselves from a lot of tensions, worries and fear. This is because they do not have even the faintest idea about the plethora of ways in which they can be harmed through witchcraft by the envious people around them. They have no information that magic can be successfully done on the victim’s nails, clothes, hair etc. Even if they are informed about this fact by someone they will not be careful about it. They consider it best to ignore this issue. They are unable to visualize that how someone can harm them by chanting something on a few strands of their hair. They may find all this too obnoxious and implausible. Or is it that their minds are too weak to accept this dark reality, so they simply shut their eyes and prefer living in a fool’s paradise?
As they say that ‘forewarned is forearmed’ so it would be better if we keep ourselves informed about the ways in which the devil may attack us so that we are prepared beforehand. In the subsequent posts, I shall discuss about the various ways through which the witchcraft practitioners can strike an innocent victim and bring his life to a standstill. The most tragic part of such an incident would be that the victim remains oblivious about what is happening to him and blames hard luck.
We have often heard our grandmothers say that trimmed nails and hair should be disposed off carefully. A novice to witchcraft will never be able to understand the logic behind this. However, if we probe into the matter we will find that witchcraft practitioners can successfully bewitch a victim through the clippings of his hair or nails. Therefore, in every society or times we find that nails are never disposed off carelessly.
There is a long list of personal belongings of a victim on which witchcraft magic can be done easily.
Victim’s photograph
Nail clippings
Hair strands
Shreds of clothes
Used menstrual pads
Apart from these items which belong to the victim witchcraft magic can also be done by using the victim and his/her mothers’ name. Now these are surely facts and not fiction so one needs to be careful. A girl was divorced within a few days of her marriage for no obvious reasons. Later on it was found that a strip of cloth had been cut from a corner of her bridal dress. Obviously nobody noticed this due to the feast and merry making during marriage ceremonies. It was only after some time that it was discovered that an envious relative, who resented the girl’s marriage into an affluent family, had hired someone to cast a spell to break her marriage. That is the reason why they say that ‘forewarned is forearmed’. If such ugly situations are to be avoided in one’s life then one needs to be vigilant.
Keep Me In Your Prayers,
Amel Soname
What is the first thing which comes to the mind when the word ‘love’ is mentioned? Well, different people who have experienced love would define love in their own unique way. The word love conjures up in our mind attributes such as purity, selflessness and trust, apart from the red roses. However, in the world of witchcraft, even a pure and beautiful emotion such as love has been distorted and tainted. Real love is the one which comes to us naturally but in the world of witchcraft, love is brought on artificially- through spells. It is also made to linger on through spells and if the need arises- it is also put to an end through spells. So the entire concept of love takes a nosedive. Let me elaborate this by giving you examples of the numerous love spells which are being practiced extensively these days.
Who would not like to be wooed with red roses but what if the red roses are replaced by a bewitching witchcraft spell? I mean to say that getting attracted towards someone or getting involved with someone from the opposite sex naturally can be the most beautiful experience of one’s life. However, getting tricked into a relationship through spells or getting married to a person who has cast a spell on you can surely spell disaster. Something natural, pure and selfless can never be replaced by something fake, impure and selfish.
There are plenty of products, such as bewitching spell candles and incense powders, sparking spell casting powders etc doing the rounds in the market and they are touted as a sure shot way to find love. However, simply finding new love is not the only reason for which spells are being cast on innocent victims. The following are the ways in which the witchcraft spells can be used by crafty people against you:
Attracting new love into one’s life
Catching someone’s attention
Making one’s crush to fall in love with them
To find new lovers
To mend a relationship that has turned sour.
To steal the heart of someone who does not approve of you
To bring a past love back into one’s life
To make a lover commit through a manipulative spell
To bring a lover close to oneself
Casting a garment spell to keep one’s lover loyal always
Making your crush think about you
Make a lover/crush call you
To bring passion back into your relationship
Hypnotic love spell to make someone specific fall for you
Lust or desire spell to make someone want only you
Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberg…
There are many more ways in which innocent people are being fooled around by the crafty ones, who do not leave any stones unturned in trying to fulfill their evil desires. In the subsequent posts, Inshallah I shall bring to light more such case where in caution should be exercised.
Keep Me In Your Prayers,
Amel Soname
I had mentioned earlier about the need to be careful about one’s clothes and other personal items because they can be used in casting a magic spell on you. There is a kind of a magic known as contagious magic in which the witches can use your personal items such as your garments, hair strands, nail clippings, saliva etc to cast spells on you. The contagious magic is based on the notion that the things which have remained together will remain so ever after, even when they have been disunited or separated and whatever is done on one will affect the other.
In my previous post I had mentioned about the fact that witches can misuse your garments, nails etc to cast love spells on you. Such spells can make you fall into a trap set by the witch. Once the spell starts working you will find yourself attracted or head over heals in love with someone in whom you did not have any interest whatsoever. This is the reason why one of the symptoms of witchcraft/black magic is of sudden changes in one’s personality, outlook etc. Now it requires some amount of experience to ponder over sudden changes in your attitude. Those who are a novice when it comes to witchcraft may unfortunately take no notice of this sudden change in them. This eventually helps the witch to tighten the noose around her victim’s neck and make him/her a puppet in her hands. I shall mention about a Satanic death spell to show how a little negligence on our part can prove to be lethal.
First of all the nail, hair, saliva or cloth belonging to the victim is procured by the witch.
Then an effigy is made by using that personal item and some graveyard dirt is gathered.
The effigy is then placed in a small cardboard box along with the dirt.
A candle is lit and the witch focuses on the death or destruction of the victim, thereby causing harm to the victim with his own personal belonging.
Although there are various types of death spells in witchcraft but in the one which I have mentioned here the witch makes use of the personal belongings of the victim. There are two ways in which an envious person or an enemy can lay hands on your garments. They can either do it directly or stealthily. The situation in which they can do it directly reflects the naivety of the victim. This shows that the enemy is 100 % sure that the victim will not suspect them at all. In such cases, the enemy very cleverly asks for something by feigning appreciation for it. The unsuspecting victim may believe in him and hand over any of his garments. In the second case, the enemy has some idea that the victim will grow suspicious if he asks for his garment directly. In such cases, the enemy will steal it from the victim somehow. Therefore, allowing suspicious people, even if they are our nearest kith and kin, into one’s house is a grave mistake. Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) has said, ‘A believer is never bitten by the same hole twice’. (Sahih Bukhari). If someone has wronged us once and broken our trust in them then it will be safer for us to treat such people only as our enemies. Keeping a safe distance from such people is essential otherwise we shall be letting down our Dear Prophet (pbuh) who did not expect any of the believers to be duped by the same enemy for the second time,
Keep Me In Your Prayers,
Amel Soname
What would it be like to have our mind controlled by someone else, remotely? Definitely, it will not be a good experience. Imagine yourself as a puppet in the hands of our enemy. What would such a life be like? Without any freedom surely it is going to be somewhat like hell. If we think of ourselves in such a situation we definitely feel dreadful. So how can we allow ourselves to get trapped in such a situation? Well, it is through negligence and lack of awareness. Most of the innocent victims of witchcraft are oblivious of the evil mindsets of their enemies and the ensuing vengeful desires. Due to this lack of awareness about the level to which the enemies people can stoop the innocent people fall a prey to witchcraft spells which can ruin their lives.
One of the ways in which your enemy can seek revenge or fulfill some of their evil desires is by casting a spell through which they can manipulate your thinking. The mind control spell, as the name suggests- can alter your outlook totally- in a way that suits your enemy. The devil will start planting thoughts in your mind which you will think of as your own. The moment you start believing in those thoughts as your own- you have lost the battle to the devil. The suitable reaction should be that you should ask to yourself, ‘How can such a thought come to my mind? This is not me. An even better reaction to such planted thoughts should be that one should understand that there is some paranormal activity involved. Otherwise how can a person undergo abrupt personality changes overnight? How can a successful and enthusiastic entrepreneur lose interest in his business and start neglecting it? How can you develop a sudden fondness for a person whom you had hated erstwhile? The answers to all these questions are the same. It means that there is something fishy going on somewhere. Someone is trying to manipulate your thoughts through supernatural ways, such as black magic, witchcraft etc. It could be an enemy whom you know about but it could also be someone about whose vengeance, hatred or envy you do not have any idea of. Unfortunately, it could be someone quite close to you, so the best way to deal with such a situation is to learn to accept it. Trying to pretend as though everything is fine will only complicate things for you. Some people become so shocked when they experience betrayal by their near and dear ones that they simply refuse to accept the truth. However, we should realize that escapism can never do any good to anyone.
I have mentioned a spell here to inform you about the kind of things which are being done these days by witchcraft practitioners to satisfy their clients.
This is one of the many kinds of mind control spells that are doing the rounds nowadays.
Firstly, the witch concentrates on the victim.
Secondly, she focuses on what she wants the victim to do
She feels the energy in the victim’s mind
Lastly, she snaps her finger to activate her spell.
There are many more such spells, some of which involve chants. The objective of trying to control the victim’s mind can be one too many. However, one thing is certain- that the objective can never be good, it has to be evil. This is simply because casting magic spells of any kind is a grave sin and Islam does not permit all these occult sciences which had prevailed during the Jahiliyyah period. It is up to the victim whether he tries to protect his free will and sanity of mind or whether he succumbs to such devilish tactics and becomes a puppet in the hands of his enemies.
Keep Me In Your Prayers,
Amel Soname
Why would anyone want to break up someone’s marriage? How would a third party be in an advantageous position if a married couple enters splitsville? Well, in order to find the answers to such questions we may have to go back into history.
In the verse 2:102 of the Holy Quran Allah (swt) says,
“And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between man and his wife, but they could not harm anyone except by Allah’s Leave. And they learn that which harms them and profits them not”.
This verse throws light on the corrupt practices which were prevalent amongst the Jews, during the reign of Hazrat Sulaiman (as). They used to seek pleasure by bringing about separation between married couples and for doing so they used the weapon of sorcery. So trying to destroy happy marriages is an age old practice and it continues till date. The reasons why any evil person would like to do sos are one too many. Satan can make people stoop down to the level where they cannot tolerate anyone’s happiness.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said, ‘Iblis has his throne in the sea and he sends out his dispatchments of shaitan to aggravate people. The dearest of them to him is the one who causes the most fitna (tribulation). One of his workers comes and tells him, ‘I did not leave (my victim) until I brought about separation between him and his wife’. Iblis draws near him and says to him, ‘Yes, You (are the best)” Hadith.
There are different sort of cases wherein envious people can resort to such tactics.
Suppose a woman sets her eyes on a rich man but the man is not interested in her and he gets married to another woman. It is quite obvious that a malicious woman will never take this defeat in her stride and she will eventually resort to revenge. Now what could be a better weapon to seek revenge other than witchcraft? In this way the vindictive woman will be able to take revenge by breaking that man’s marriage, without others getting any inkling about it. Besides this, there may be a plethora of reasons why anyone can cast witchcraft spells on happily married couples to cause a break-up. Jealousy, envy, enmity and revenge are the basic factors which can impel someone to break another’s marriage.
The proof from the Holy Quran (2:102) and the above mentioned hadith are enough to make one take caution. Due to such spells even the happiest couples stop getting along with each other. They will start having altercations at the slightest excuse and if they do not realize what’s actually wrong then there are chances that their marriage will soon be on the rocks.
Can any sensible soul like to part ways with their spouse simply because an enemy cannot tolerate to see them happy together? Simply not! The right attitude is to face the problem heads on instead of ignoring it.
As far as the ways in which such spells are cast then we find that there are too many of them to be mentioned here. I have mentioned just one of them to give you a fair idea about the designs someone may have on you and your marriage.
There is a witchcraft break-up spell in which the witch lights a black candle with a wooden matchstick. She then writes the name of the couple, whose marriage she intends to break up, on a parchment paper- within a circle. Then she drops the wax fro the candle on top of the circle she draws on the paper (surrounding the names of the husband and wife). While doing so the witch tries to build up energy and she focuses on her wish to cause the couple to split. Once the circle gets covered she extinguishes the candle while saying, ‘So convey my will, my spell has been listened to, as I will, so mote it be”. On the same day she buries that piece of paper in mud or throws it in a river, or else she may burn it and dispose the ashes to nature. She ends this Satanic spell by lighting the black candle on the next full moon till it gets burnt out completely.
The harmful effects of this spell may begin soon after and its intensity depends on the fact whether the husband and wife have sought spiritual help beforehand. If they have a spiritual healer working for them then he may sense that something is wrong and he may break the hex. Otherwise the couple will caught unawares and they will eventually succumb to the psychic attack.
Keep Me In Your Prayers,
Amel Soname